Friday, February 25, 2011



Time to start exciting weekend.
First - going to Claus' friends, who are 40km on the North of Esbjerg. Wish I could paste a map now, but unfortunatelly I'm typing from a phone, coz we are on our way there.
Funny - I'm always quite sceptical when it comes to people that I don't know yet - as today, but I'm also a bit happy that we're going there. Even though that it could be quite cool to just stay home and watch all the possible tv series.
Anyway, I don't even know how to spell the name of the place that we're going to. But I've heard it's quite pretty, so at least there will be an occassion to go with the dogs and admire some views.
Still the most exciting and desired element is... concert of The National! Tomorrow. Looking so much forward to that! It's gonna be awesome! I can remind myself how it was almost two years ago during 'Off Festival' in PL, when they had a gig.

About Internship? Working on some kind of brochures. Electronic and paper version. I'll write more about it on Sunday.

Yesterday waterfalls were so huge... take a look at the picture. Hate the weather at the moment. Superwindy, cold and it looks like it will stay snowing in a sec.

Have a nice weekend!

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